Sketchup DXF Export plugin
The current settings on the wiki do not allow the plugin to be uploaded. Alice has it available at a dropbox link.
If that link no longer works, below is the contents of the plugin. Copy 'n paste them to the file skp_to_dxf.rb and save it in your Sketchup plugins folder1)2).
# SketchUp to DXF STL Converter # Last edited: February 18, 2011 # Authors: Nathan Bromham, Konrad Shroeder # Download from: require 'sketchup.rb' def dxf_export_mesh_file model = Sketchup.active_model model_filename = File.basename(model.path) if( model_filename == "" ) model_filename = "model" end ss = model.selection $stl_conv = 1.0 $group_count = 0 $component_count = 0 $face_count = 0 $line_count = 0 entities = model.entities if (Sketchup.version_number < 7) model.start_operation("export_dxf_mesh") else model.start_operation("export_dxf_mesh",true) end if ss.empty? answer = UI.messagebox("No objects selected. Export entire model?", MB_YESNOCANCEL) if( answer == 6 ) export_ents = model.entities else export_ents = ss end else export_ents = Sketchup.active_model.selection end if (export_ents.length > 0) #get units for export dxf_dxf_units_dialog #get DXF export option dxf_option = dxf_dxf_options_dialog if (dxf_option =="stl") file_type="stl" else file_type="dxf" end #exported file name out_name = UI.savepanel( file_type+" file location", "." , "#{File.basename(model.path).split(".")[0]}." +file_type ) $mesh_file = out_name , "w" ) model_name = model_filename.split(".")[0] dxf_header(dxf_option,model_name) # Recursively export faces and edges, exploding groups as we go. #Count "other" objects we can't parse. others = dxf_find_faces(0, export_ents,,,dxf_option) dxf_end(dxf_option,model_name) UI.messagebox( $face_count.to_s + " faces exported " + $line_count.to_s + " lines exported\n" + others.to_s + " objects ignored" ) end model.commit_operation end def dxf_find_faces(others, entities, tform, layername,dxf_option) entities.each do |entity| #Face entity if( entity.typename == "Face") case dxf_option when "polylines" dxf_write_polyline(entity,tform,layername) when "polyface mesh" dxf_write_polyface(entity,tform,layername) when "triangular mesh" dxf_write_face(entity,tform,layername) when "stl" dxf_write_stl(entity,tform) end #Edge entity elsif( entity.typename == "Edge") and((dxf_option=="lines")or(entity.faces.length==0 and dxf_option!="stl")) dxf_write_edge(entity, tform, layername) #Group entity elsif( entity.typename == "Group") if"""GROUP"+$group_count.to_s $group_count+=1 end others = dxf_find_faces(others, entity.entities, tform * entity.transformation,,dxf_option) #Componentinstance entity elsif( entity.typename == "ComponentInstance") if"""COMPONENT"+$component_count.to_s $component_count+=1 end others = dxf_find_faces(others, entity.definition.entities, tform * entity.transformation,,dxf_option) else others = others + 1 end end others end def dxf_transform_edge(edge, tform) points=[] points.push(dxf_transform_vertex(edge.start, tform)) points.push(dxf_transform_vertex(edge.end, tform)) points end def dxf_transform_vertex(vertex, tform) point =, vertex.position.y, vertex.position.z) point.transform! tform point end def dxf_write_edge(edge, tform, layername) points = dxf_transform_edge(edge, tform) $mesh_file.puts( " 0\nLINE\n 8\n"+layername+"\n") for j in 0..1 do $mesh_file.puts((10+j).to_s+"\n"+(points[j].x.to_f * $stl_conv).to_s)#x $mesh_file.puts((20+j).to_s+"\n"+(points[j].y.to_f * $stl_conv).to_s)#y $mesh_file.puts((30+j).to_s+"\n"+(points[j].z.to_f * $stl_conv).to_s)#z end $line_count+=1 end def dxf_write_polyline(face, tform,layername) face.loops.each do |aloop| $mesh_file.puts(" 0\nPOLYLINE\n 8\n"+layername+"\n 66\n 1") $mesh_file.puts("70\n 8\n 10\n0.0\n 20\n 0.0\n 30\n0.0") for j in 0..aloop.vertices.length do if (j==aloop.vertices.length) count = 0 else count = j end point = dxf_transform_vertex(aloop.vertices[count],tform) $mesh_file.puts( " 0\nVERTEX\n 8\nMY3DLAYER") $mesh_file.puts("10\n"+(point.x.to_f * $stl_conv).to_s) $mesh_file.puts("20\n"+(point.y.to_f * $stl_conv).to_s) $mesh_file.puts("30\n"+(point.z.to_f * $stl_conv).to_s) $mesh_file.puts( " 70\n 32") end if (aloop.vertices.length > 0) $mesh_file.puts( " 0\nSEQEND") end end $face_count+=1 end def dxf_write_face(face,tform, layername) mesh = face.mesh 0 mesh.transform! tform polygons = mesh.polygons polygons.each do |polygon| if (polygon.length > 2) flags = 0 $mesh_file.puts( " 0\n3DFACE\n 8\n"+layername) for j in 0..polygon.length do if (j==polygon.length) count = polygon.length-1 else count = j end #check edge visibility if ((polygon[count]<0)) flags+=2**j end $mesh_file.puts((10+j).to_s+"\n"+(mesh.point_at(polygon[count].abs).x.to_f * $stl_conv).to_s) $mesh_file.puts((20+j).to_s+"\n"+(mesh.point_at(polygon[count].abs).y.to_f * $stl_conv).to_s) $mesh_file.puts((30+j).to_s+"\n"+(mesh.point_at(polygon[count].abs).z.to_f * $stl_conv).to_s) end #edge visibiliy flags $mesh_file.puts("70\n"+flags.to_s) end end $face_count+=1 end def dxf_write_stl(face,tform) mesh = face.mesh 7 mesh.transform! tform polygons = mesh.polygons polygons.each do |polygon| if (polygon.length == 3) $mesh_file.puts( "facet normal " + mesh.normal_at(polygon[0].abs).x.to_s + " " + mesh.normal_at(polygon[0].abs).y.to_s + " " + mesh.normal_at(polygon[0].abs).z.to_s) $mesh_file.puts( "outer loop") for j in 0..2 do $mesh_file.puts("vertex " + (mesh.point_at(polygon[j].abs).x.to_f * $stl_conv).to_s + " " + (mesh.point_at(polygon[j].abs).y.to_f * $stl_conv).to_s + " " + (mesh.point_at(polygon[j].abs).z.to_f * $stl_conv).to_s) end $mesh_file.puts( "endloop\nendfacet") end end $face_count+=1 end def dxf_write_polyface(face,tform,layername) mesh = face.mesh 0 mesh.transform! tform polygons = mesh.polygons points = mesh.points $mesh_file.puts(" 0\nPOLYLINE\n 8\n"+layername+"\n 66\n 1") $mesh_file.puts("10\n0.0\n 20\n 0.0\n 30\n0.0\n") $mesh_file.puts("70\n 64\n") #flag for 3D polyface $mesh_file.puts("71\n"+mesh.count_points.to_s) $mesh_file.puts("72\n 1") #points points.each do |point| $mesh_file.puts( " 0\nVERTEX\n 8\n"+layername) $mesh_file.puts("10\n"+(point.x.to_f * $stl_conv).to_s) $mesh_file.puts("20\n"+(point.y.to_f * $stl_conv).to_s) $mesh_file.puts("30\n"+(point.z.to_f * $stl_conv).to_s) $mesh_file.puts( " 70\n 192") end #polygons polygons.each do |polygon| $mesh_file.puts( " 0\nVERTEX\n 8\n"+layername) $mesh_file.puts("10\n0.0\n 20\n 0.0\n 30\n0.0\n") $mesh_file.puts( " 70\n 128") $mesh_file.puts( " 71\n"+polygon[0].to_s) $mesh_file.puts( " 72\n"+polygon[1].to_s) $mesh_file.puts( " 73\n"+polygon[2].to_s) if (polygon.length==4) $mesh_file.puts( " 74\n"+polygon[3]..abs.to_s) end end $mesh_file.puts( " 0\nSEQEND") $face_count+=1 end def dxf_dxf_options_dialog options_list=["polyface mesh","polylines","triangular mesh","lines","stl"].join("|") prompts=["Export to DXF options"] enums=[options_list] values=["polyface mesh"] results = inputbox prompts, values, enums, "Choose which entities to export" return if not results results[0] end def dxf_dxf_units_dialog cu=Sketchup.active_model.options[0]["LengthUnit"] case cu when 4 current_unit= "Meters" when 3 current_unit= "Centimeters" when 2 current_unit= "Millimeters" when 1 current_unit= "Feet" when 0 current_unit= "Inches" end units_list=["Meters","Centimeters","Millimeters","Inches","Feet"].join("|") prompts=["Export unit: "] enums=[units_list] values=[current_unit] results = inputbox prompts, values, enums, "Export units" return if not results case results[0] when "Meters" $stl_conv=0.0254 when "Centimeters" $stl_conv=2.54 when "Millimeters" $stl_conv=25.4 when "Feet" $stl_conv=0.0833333333333333 when "Inches" $stl_conv=1 end end def dxf_header(dxf_option,model_name) if (dxf_option=="stl") $mesh_file.puts( "solid " + model_name) else $mesh_file.puts( " 0\nSECTION\n 2\nENTITIES") end end def dxf_end(dxf_option,model_name) if (dxf_option=="stl") $mesh_file.puts( "endsolid " + model_name) else $mesh_file.puts( " 0\nENDSEC\n 0\nEOF") end $mesh_file.close end if( not file_loaded?("skp_to_dxf.rb") ) add_separator_to_menu("Tools")"Tools").add_item("Export to DXF or STL") { dxf_export_mesh_file } end file_loaded("skp_to_dxf.rb")