Quelab Frequently Asked Questions
A place to make things
“Quelab is a place to make things” - that's our motto, but there's many facets to that. However, there's other pieces of the puzzle. We are still in an active recruitment phase, and will be soliciting assistance for classes, and for things outside of Quelab, such as participating in the Solar Fiesta, or helping with the local MakerFaire organization, or helping to man the Quelab tables at the next Mini MakerFaire. Participating in activities like these outside of Quelab are great networking opportunities as well as great help in making sure Quelab can be even better!
Q: Where is Quelab?
Q.What is HackNight?
Q: When are Hacknights?
Q: Can I become a member at Hacknight?
Q: Hacknights don’t work for me, is there another way to meetup with folks and get to see the space?
Q: I don’t have any projects or ideas, Is it ok if I drop by anyway?
Q: Is Quelab Hacknight good for Kids?
Q: What do you mean when you say Make?
Q: Hacking! That's a scary word! Don't cyber criminals do terrible things by hacking?!?
Q. How do I donate stuff?
Q. I have skill, do you think Quelab will hire me?
Q. Where does the word Quelab come from?
Q. I have a shop at home, why would I want to be a member?
Q. I want to be a member, but I don't want to/ don't have time to/ volunteer & stuff. Is that a requirement?
Q. Sorry, but I want to stop being a member. How do I close out my membership?