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<font 14.666666666666666pxfont-family:Arial;color:#000000;background-color:transparent;font-weight:400;font-style:normal;font-variant:normal;text-decoration:none;vertical-align:baseline;/Arial;;inherit;;#000000background-color:transparent;font-weight:400;font-style:normal;font-variant:normal;text-decoration:none;vertical-align:baseline;>Officers’ Corps Meeting</font>

Date: 7-20-16

Attending: Celeste, Sherie, Darren, Sara, Aaron, Adric, Gonner, Eric, John M., J.T., Chris, Rebecca

Absent: JonnyRo, Ben, Darrel

Agenda Items:

Membership Process (Orientation)



Sweat Equity for membership

One time?

Specialty Work

Reimbursement of expenses

Quelab & how it’s spelled


Shout Out to everyone for coming in for a meeting


Sherie & Sara

Their outline was shared via email

She based it on part of what’s on the wiki (need URL)

She’s unhappy with the moodle powerpoint, she has made her own powerpoint

All steps need to be taken, such as waiver, get info from them, get payment, go through an orientation

Celeste proposed we may want to open orientations up to additional people besides Officers.; certified, ideally sentiment was to not do so initially

Sara suggested two people do an orientation (for safety purposes)

JT suggested scheduling tours at fixed times

Sherie wants to schedule the orientation (6:00 p.m.); it was suggested to move it to 6:30 (avoid traffic). How often?

Celeste suggested Tuesdays & Sundays 2nd & 4th weeks of the month for orientation

It was suggested 2nd Sunday & 2nd Tuesday

Then 2nd Sunday & 4th Sunday to do orientations @ 6:30 p.m.; decided; a vote was taken & it was agreed on.

Sherie suggested last thing on a tour take them to the website, show them how to join, and the calendar to see all the cool stuff we do

Per Geoff’s policy, anyone taking an orientation MUST have filled out the google form

Geoff’s process & Sara & Sheries’ Orientation outline will be put somewhere we can access the - the wiki and/or the google drive


Celeste would like see something from each area

Eric will bring lightsabers (as will some other builders) & a whiteboard for the metal area

Darren to do TakeAPart

Rebecca would like to repeat last year, and take pictures for much of it

Manual wood lathe

9 Pins


Adric hopes to bring a photobooth

3D printers


1 for mini lathe

2 or 3 for sabers

2 for 3d printers

1 for membership & propaganda

1 for the X-Carve

1 for the Silhouette vinyl cutter

6 for Take-Apart

We need to put it out to the MEMBERS list to solicit anyone that wants to exhibit

We need to put it out to the MEMBERS list to solicit volunteers to help

We need to put it out to the MEMBERS list to solicit consumer electronics for TakeApart

We need water, gatorade, ice, coolers

Celeste needs a Quelab tee before MMF


We received three gaylords of plastic

Adric has tested - the clear is acrylic, not sure about the white

Best test is to light a corner on fire - polycarb will self extinguish and smell rather bad, while acrylic will kind of burn, and smolder, with a kind of crumbly, ashy edge to it, and is more brittle

Sherie offered to send a note to a science list to see if any teachers that have laser cutters that could use it.

Consensus was to recommend people test it before using it in the laser cutter, and people can have at it


John Murray wanted to talk about work for membership; he & Drew have put in over 30 hours each for their electronic upgrade in the welding area

Celeste: each officer should be able to suggest comping a membership for work performed

Adric: it would be nice to plan that out ahead of time - if you have a large job coming, be able to talk about it ahead of time.

Geoff stepped in to listen to the proposal

Geoff: if it’s more than $100, it’s the purview of the president, more than $100 would go to the Board

Gonner: it should be up to the officer to decide if someone has done enough quelab-related work

Celeste: suggested to comp a month at a time.

John: suggested the officer send a memo to the president


Sherie asked about a lead for the Space Cadets

Sherie told us how Make:Santa Fe does it - they have a tier of membership for being allowed storage

ACTION ITEM: someone to send out a note to the SpaceCadets list to solicit someone to lead the group

It was suggested the rental captain get space for free

Rebecca volunteered to be the Rental Officer; the “Space Keeper”. Celeste will make the recommendation to the Board (A straw poll of the three board members was positive)

Gonner: as head of an area, you have to give them the authority

John: could it be codified that being an officer gets you a table’s worth of storage space

A poll was taken that everyone approved of this idea

Gonner: His photo members board thing, talk to him to get your picture taken

Quelab’s birthday was yesterday, six years

John: asked if he could be the welding officer & take care of the welding area. Celeste will recommend his taking that position to the Board


No space in the middle,

No “S” at the end

In written docs, initial capital, lowercase - “Quelab”

In the orientation stuff, our tool policy is missing - ownership is all over the place - privately owned, donated, on loan to the space

We need to work on gathering area’s inventories

Discussion took place on labeling stuff, difficulties & how to do it…

Suggestion to post a large sign in the metal shop that most stuff is Eric’s, and the label the half a dozen or so things that are not his.


Reiteration of policy: if less than $100, it can go to Celeste

Geoff showed the receipt & reimbursement envelope, he can take them electronically, but he would still like the envelope done

John told us that NRL gave us some tables, and he wants to send a thank you note. Geoff will send his letterhead word doc


Next meeting, middle of September

7 p.m. was suggested

Everyone needs to decide what day

Adric suggested the 3rd wednesday or the 2nd week

It was decided September the 14th, @ 7:30 p.m.


  • Celeste recommend Rebecca as space keeper * Celeste recommend John Murray as welding officer * Celeste to send to the members’ list seeking exhibitors in the Quelab MMF tent * Celeste to send to the Members’ list seeking volunteers to help with MMF - loadin, loadout, work the tent * Geoff to send to John his word doc letterhead document * Officers to decide when we next want to meet