Agenda items:
- New Pricing structure,
- 505c3 ruminations
- Promotional ideas
- Revamping the web site (photos, add some color, etc.)
- Getting the word out (what can we do to let people about Quelab)
- events planning and timetables.
=-=-==– meeting notes
Pricing is ok, and will go live tomorrow, $5 hacknights, $7 day passes,
Advertising faceboook advertisement, special for Albuquerque make magazine folks.
Website will roll out, but logo is still seeking input /mods/suggestions/submissions
Alibi billboard,daily lobo, localiq, cnm/unm bulletin boards/ honeywell/intel, coffeshops, solicet ideas.
Craigslist… What catagory, Classes/Activities.
we Need a big group project!
Hacknight is tuesday not wednesday
hours? 10-4:30 m-f and hacknights 7pm
solicit input on what days to do hacknight, sun/tue tue/thur other?
kudos awards, for folks helping out, d other blog content, spam walter with cool links, and hackerspace news, what's its.
Get folks to posts, links, we are 5th on Albuquerque Hackerspaces“
lets look for other llc hackerspaces, and solicit pros/cons