November Community Meeting Agenda:
DRAFT. If you have an item to add to the agenda, please let an officer know.
NOTE: All community meetings are open to members of the public. Attendance is encouraged! Please bring a potluck item to share.
Date: 01 November 2020
- 5:00 pm Pot Luck
- 6:00 pm Community Meeting
1. President's Statement (optional)
2. Board Report
3. Officer Reports
- Treasurer's report
- Education: position currently vacant
- Events: position currently vacant
- Membership: Sherie Pennebaker
- Outreach: Charel Morris
- Social Media: Rebecca Snyder
- Donations: Hugh Hulse
- Facilities: John Murray
- Rental: position currently vacant (President is currently POC for rentals)
- Area Captains
- 3-D Printing: Josh Pedersen
- Annex - Steve Hall
- Arcade - Ed Heron
- Digital Arts - Darrel Knutson
- Electronics Lab: Doug McGeehan
- Fiber Arts: JJ Salley
- Laser: Craig Goldsmith
- Machine Shop: Denis Muradov
- Stained Glass/Clay: Sherie Pennebaker
- Welding: John Murray
- Woodshop: Jesse Trujillo/Darrel Knutson
4. Old Business
5. New Business