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Welding Area Captain

Responsible for:
Welding Area & associated equipment

Contact Info
John Murray

The term of office for the Welding Area Captain is one year, and is appointed by the board with the advice of the President.

The responsibilities of the Welding Area Captain are as follows:

  • Organize Welding area(s) & layout
    • Track Member Owned Property tags and follow up with abandoned projects
    • Disperse materials donated to the metal shop
  • Organize cleaning of the welding area(s)
  • Coordinate basic use and safety training for tool usage within the welding area(s)
  • Be a point of contact for the board, membership, and wider public for questions regarding usage of the welding equipment
  • Coordinate with other stewards/board members on issues regarding the welding area(s)
  • Serve as a member of the Facilities Workgroup for any issues regarding the welding area(s)