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Technology Manager

Responsible for:
Quelab's technology infrastructure

Contact Info:
Chris Hughes


Quelab's Technology Infrastructure is maintained by the Tech Officer and their deputies. This position is a combination of sysadmin and moderator for the blog, wiki, and email lists. The tech team also coordinates with the communications officer on the moderation of the social media sites.

Currently, the Tech office is staffed by the following volunteers, but more volunteers are always welcome!

Chris Hughes - Email, Blog, Sysadmin
Adric Menning - Flickr, Facebook, Email
JT Benedetto - Wiki, Moodle
Geoff Nicholson - Blog, Email, Seltzer, Twitter

The term of office for the Tech Manager is one year, and is appointed by the board with the advice of the President.

The responsibilities of the Tech Manager are as follows:

  • Be a point of contact for website or in-house internet outages
  • Maintaining communication infrastructure
    • Servers
    • Mailing Lists
    • External facing software
  • Coordinate repairs/installation of new computer/tech hardware
  • Coordinate with other officers/board members to ensure tech needs are met
  • Create a Disaster Recovery Plan
    • To include documentation for passwords, restart procedures, backup recovery, and other points of contact in case of unavailability