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June Community Meeting Agenda:

NOTE: All community meetings are open to members of the public. Attendance is encouraged! Please bring a potluck item to share.

Date: 05 June 2016


  • 4:00 pm Pot Luck
  • 5:00 pm Community Meeting


  • President's Opening Statement
  • Treasurer's report
    1. Fiber Arts: Sherie Pennebaker
    2. Electronics Lab: Aaron Birenboim
    3. Woodshop: Gonner Menning
    4. Metal Shop: Eric Lee
    5. 3-D Printing: Ben Kuttesch
    6. Laser: Jonny Romero
    7. Assets: Darren Moody
    8. Education: Darrel Knutson
    9. Facilities: John Murray
    10. Outreach: Charel Morris
    11. Social Media: Rebecca Snyder
    12. We are in need of an Events Officer, a Business Development Officer, and a Membership Officer
    1. Changing the procedure for becoming a Quelab member.
    2. Instructables Hackerspace contest -adric
  1. Yard Sale

Contact us:,,


Preisdent's Statement:

The most remarkable thing about Quelab and it's greatest asset is it's members. Each and every person that comes here brings something special: a talent, a viewpoint and experience working with interesting problems. Each person gives us the gift of their time and willingness to teach what they can. Some on a more formal basis and some on an as needed basis.

Over the past few years Quelab has grown exponentially. As I look around Quelab I find it remarkable to that we have gone from a house and a dream to a warehouse hosting a remarkable range of tool/work areas. The range of skills is awe inspiring. Metal, wood, photography, fiber arts, 3-D printing, laser cutting and a whole range of computer/programming activities. You can even build bee hives here. Amazing!

The reality is that getting here was no small thing. The hundreds and hundreds of man hours needed and the leadership needed to get to this point were given by those with a vision of what could and can be. Truly, at this point we need to thank these folks for their service and their gifts of time that we all benefit from. I would like each of my Board Members to stand and say how many years they have served. I would also like to have my past Board Members stand and do the same. The current Officer Corps also needs to stand and state time served and in what capacity. Any Officers that served previously, I would ask that you stand and state the same.

What we see here are our leaders that serve month after month and year after year. For me, it is especially important to acknowledge Geoff who stepped into the breach to be our President as well as our accountant and board member. He has given us an amazing gift of time and talent.


  1. Fiber Arts: Sherie Pennebaker
    1. I’m the officer for the Dragon’s Weir (fiber arts room), and Flynn’s Arcade (gaming room).
    2. The gaming room got cleaned up, there’s a couch there now and all the game consoles have been checked with games arranged as to which console they belong. Notes on the different consoles are posted on the white board in Flynn’s Arcade. I would like to move the board game cabinet into that room, but there is at least one defunct video game that needs to be moved first.
    3. For the textile area, the industrial machine is oiled, but it’s breaking the fishing line when it’s sewing. I’ve worked with the tension, but I think it may need more maintenance. We have a new Janome basic sewing machine, and it works really well. I’m going to make a list of quick checks that you can do to troubleshoot your machine when it’s not working well. For example, try a new needle, check the tension, that kind of thing. I’ll hold a small fabric dying workshop in a month, around June 25. This will not be advertised, since we’ll be using my personal stock, but if you’re interested, contact me and I’ll invite you.E
  2. Electronics Lab: Aaron Birenboim
  3. Woodshop: Gonner Menning
    1. The woodshop is getting somewhat cleared out, but still has too much stuff being stored there for a long time.
  4. Metal Shop: Eric Lee
    1. Possibly planning a metal shop night to meet up with other people who use the metal shop
  5. 3-D Printing: Ben Kuttesch
  6. Laser: Jonny Romero
    1. The laser was cleaned recently and its performance was greatly improved
    2. Needs a new honeycomb board for the inside platform
  7. Assets: Darren Moody
    1. Oversee incoming donations assisted by John Benedetto and Christopher Zapotacky.
    2. Determine disposition of donations to include on using within Quelab, reselling eBay, offering for sale to Quelab member, and / or stripping for recycling.
    3. Oversee Take Apart Zone at events such as Mini Maker Faire, Railyards Market, and STEM day at Museum of Nuclear History.
    4. Scrounger always on the lookout for items of use for Quelab at auctions, and other venues.
    5. The amount of Donations sitting at Quelab has been pared down a lot
  8. Education: Darrel Knutson
    1. A welding class will be advertised soon
    2. Contact Darrel if you have ideas for new classes
  9. Facilities: John Murray
    1. Que Lab member since 2013
    2. Facilities Manager since April 2016
    3. Facilities related activities (as a Que Lab member): Coordinated installation/modification/circuit identfication of electrical power for metal working area, wood working area, welding area, and kitchen.
    4. Facilities related activities as Facilities Manager: Coordinated the inspection/installation of all fire extinguishers to assure compliance the current city fire safety codes.
    5. My duties as I understand them: Coordinate maintenance and modification of the electrical, plumbing, and HVAC systems that the landlord is not otherwise taking care of, minor facility repairs and custodial duties.
  10. Outreach: Charel Morris
    1. Joined Quelab in Jan 2013
    2. Director on Quelab Board - currently in 3rd team.
    3. Officer – OUTREACH aka The Wizard of Outreach
    4. I reach out to other groups, organizations and businesses in the area. To introduce the Maker Movement as a over all cultural change with Quelab and the ABQ Mini Maker Faire being the two longest running and viable reflections of the Maker Movement in New Mexico.
    5. Maker Faire is coming in August and it would be great if more Quelab Members were involved
  11. Social Media: Rebecca Snyder
    1. Rebecca would like to write more blog posts for our Social Media and she would like ideas for what to write about.
  12. Geoff Nicholson
    - I'm Treasurer and Chief Paperwork Officer (Federal & State taxes, City Licenses, SpaceFed connections, Non-Profit organization listings).
    1. I'm also a Director, so I help appoint new officers, and work on the strategic direction of Quelab.
  13. John Benedetto

Board of Directors member for the next two years, formerly served in two officer positions, as Facilities Manager & as Workshop manager.

  1. Craig Goldsmith
    1. Board Member serving two-year term since this past election.

Member since May 2014, “lurker” and “hanger-on” since March 2011.

We are in need of an Events Officer, a Business Development Officer, and a Membership Officer


Changing the procedure for becoming a Quelab member.

  • 30 days, Charel said the Board may be able to okay a task force

Instructables Hackerspace contest -adric

  • This year’s rules are a little more palatable compared to last year, and some of the prizes could be reachable for a Quelab team.
  • Five people have committed to help (the minimum needed), and there will be a secret password to include in your ‘ible


Yard Sale

  • Someone with a pickup to put up signs
  • Anything in PFUDOR, not on benches, would be fine to take out and sell