This is an old revision of the document!

Nominees for the 2018 Board of Directors Special Election

In April of 2018, a special election is to be held to replace a Director that stepped down. The newly elected Director will serve out the remainder of the departing Director's term, until February 2019.

These are the nominees:

Make sure to vote BEFORE the end of the election, Sunday 4/8/18 @ 9:00 p.m.!

All three nominees ran in the election earlier this year, and this is the same info they submitted then.


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A full member of Quelab since May 2014, he has also served on the Quelab Board of Directors 2016-2017, and is the current lasercutter officer.

He seeks to maintain and enhance Quelab's stature as a member-driven makerspace, and that Quelab continues to be utterly responsive to the economic and practical needs of its members: consensus decision-making, non-draconian policies, unfettered access to the space.


My name is Jack Gilster I've been a member for 10 months I'd wish to be a part of the board because I spend good majority of my time here and I've been waiting for a place like this all my life. I think if I was a part of the board I would be able to help make decisions that benefit new members and the community at large. Including bringing in students who could benefit from the existing equipment and makers of my and new generations that need this place to see there dream become reality.


2018rebeccasnyder.jpgRebecca Snyder: Quelab member since 2011, officer since December 2014, in maker community for longer, co-chairing Albuquerque Dorkbot (maker discussion group) and attending Maker Faire in San Francisco. I'm a very eclectic maker who likes to learn new skills, sampling electronics, darkroom photography, brazing, fiber arts, glass, laser cutting, ceramics, machine shop, and most recently 3d printing. What I love about Quelab is that we are not just a place to make things but also a community of makers! I've learned so much from everyone at Quelab, if elected I will work to bring classes back to Quelab and host events where members can show their projects.