This is an old revision of the document!


Meeting called today to discuss and work around the loss of our president Gabe Ortiz, due to employment changes.

Gabe, Geoff, Walter, Bandit, Greg, Adric, (and member Aron)

5:14, Meeting opens,

Gabe is handing off alot of the financial stuff to geoff, as was already planned.

We need to get gabe a list of needs we need to get,

  • bank account contact stuff,
  • paypal
  • square
  • utilities, power(under gabe) water/comcast

Adric handed gabe the list from onlineassets?, working on knocking those out,

Lease is signed by gabe but as the llc,

Comcast is under Gabe, Adric will look into dsl,

Legally we need to call the nonprofit something other than quelab, we thought about Quelab2, this will only effect the filing.

On to adding members for the board, Aaron has been voted onto the board.

Proposing Greg to become president.

only concern was Greg may get deployed at any time.

Lets define practical responsibilities.

  • call meetings
  • maintain “order”
  • Point of contact with outside entities,

Consensus was voted on, all but greg voted, all voted for him being president.

Proposal by Geoff for Gabe to be added as “Ambassador”. group approved!

Gabe Says Thank you. vise versa.

meeting closes at 5:55