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1-7-2018_general [2018/01/21 21:03]
John Benedetto
1-7-2018_general [2018/01/21 21:35] (current)
John Benedetto added minutes
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 Minutes: Minutes:
 +1. Board Report
 +  * Met today
 +  * Board of Directors’ Election will take place on 2-18-18 @ Quelab
 +  * Can vote electronically via OPAVOTE, no paper ballots
 +  * Bylaws state attending the elections meeting is a requirement of membership, but electronic voting meets that requirement 
 +  * 4 positions available - JT, Charel, Gonner & Craig (Zoot) will be stepping down
 +  * Celeste will be stepping down at President.  We hope to have new place in place somewhere in the spring.  
 +  * President, VP, Secretary & Treasurer 
 +  * Steven Hall has been appointed as Annex office
 +  * Clearing up rumors!
 +    * Quelab’s non-profit status is in good standing with the IRS & federal government. With regard to the NM State Govt., we are now in good standing with them as well, even if the NM govt. Web site doesn’t say so
 +    * If you hear something about Quelab, please just reach out & ask us about it - reach out to the Board, or to the Officers
 +  * John M. had a question: are we able to send out a donation letter to someone that donates something.  Charel said Yes, of course!...  Work with JT as the donations officer & Josh as the treasurer
 +2. Officer Reports
 +  * President's Report
 +  * Treasurer's report
 +    * Josh to cut & paste to me info
 +  * Education: position currently vacant
 +  * Events Officer: position currently vacant
 +  * Membership: JT, acting officer
 +    * 99 active members, with 74 full dues, and 25 at student or associate level
 +    * Two Orientations run this month, more to follow
 +    * Though the board has an outstanding task to revise how to on-board new members, I am also open to suggestions on things missed & that should be added to the orientation.  Please email jt@quelab.net to send suggestions
 +  * Outreach: Charel Morris
 +    * Saturday, Jan 28, at Loma Colorado branch 9:00 - 9:30 arrival with official time of 10:00 until 1:00 p.m. (though it continues, sometimes until 2 or 3).
 +      * Darren is looking for volunteers to attend this session
 +      * Need special volunteer(s) to help with the mini machine kits we are donating to the Library for the Star Wars day.
 +    * Sat, 2-10-18 Nuclear Museum STEM day
 +      * Need volunteers for this as well
 +    * Sy Jackson Elementary school is doing a maker fair, Friday evening, March 2
 +      * Let Josh know if you are interested in helping with this event
 +    * ABQ MMF is coming at the end of April
 +    * We are currently in discussion with the research lab at Kirkland, on possible collaboration.
 +  * Social Media: Rebecca Snyder
 +    * Working on a newsletter type publication, please let her know after the meeting
 +  * Donations: John “JT” Benedetto
 +    * We have not done a recycling run recently, aside from cardboard to the city.  There are cans to go, and stuff in many of the barrels, though none are full
 +    * We received a large computer-related donation by an unknown donor.  I have yet to process that.  I expect much of it will end up in lab stock (check the room behind electronics) or on the “Up For Grabs” shelf
 +    * “Officially” we are not accepting donations without prior authorization & agreement.  However, walk-ins DO occur. If you are on the receiving end of a walk-in donation, PLEASE let me know it came in!
 +  * Facilities: John Murray
 +    * Repaired fluorescent ceiling lights in the entrance and in the north bathroom
 +  * Rental: Darren Moody
 +    * Rentals down, lost two of the blue & white bench spaces and one anthro cart space.  Oh hey, we have three new vacancies if anyone wants to rent a bench!
 +    * Down $63 on rentals income, still have $85.50 coming in for rentals
 +  * Area Captains
 +    * 3-D Printing: Josh Pedersen
 +      * Morgan is in process of setting up printers on Orange Pi’s, which will add wi-fi access, as well as a 2nd system into that area - one dedicated windows & one dedicated linux
 +      * For the orion there are instructions on the wiki
 +    * Arcade - Troy Ross
 +      * He brought in a Linux gaming PC w/Steam OS, still needs to be put into place
 +      * Asteroids cabinet?  Rebecca has a power supply for it, and Morgan bought fuses for it
 +      * Hope to put in shelves next month
 +    * Electronics Lab: Aaron Birenboim
 +      * Nothing to report
 +    * Fiber Arts: Sherie Pennebaker
 +      * Nothing to report
 +    * Laser: Craig Goldsmith
 +      * Cleaning optics on the red laser pointer - should be much better now
 +      * Whoever left the manual focus tool out of the kit, shame on you.  Please don’t leave it out again or you will have your privileges suspended
 +    * Metal Shop: Eric Lee
 +      * All machines operational, no injuries
 +    * Welding: John Murray
 +      * Nothing to report
 +    * Woodshop: Gonner Menning
 +      * No injuries, nothing broken
 +3. Old Business
 +  * Board of Directors Election in February - covered previously
 +4. New Business
 +  * Cleaning of the Core & bathrooms
 +    * Front area of the ‘Lab will be closed, entrance will be via the Annex on 7th
 +    * 4th, Sunday of February, we will be emptying the front part of the building, cleaning on the 5th
 +    * The company will continue to be cleaning the space monthly, the Main classroom, the bathrooms, and the kitchen
 +  * Rio Rancho Library “Star Wars Day” event
 +    * Covered under Charel’s outreach report
 +  * Early reminder: Changed dates for 2018 ABQ Mini MakerFaire
 +    * The 2018 ABQ MiniMakerFaire has been moved up to April: April 21 & 22
 +    * The MMF will not be meeting like in previous years (not as many)
 +  * Jefferson Middle School Science Night
 +    * Is anyone would be willing to participate in the Jefferson Middle School Science Night? (Lomas & Girard) 
 +    * It’s being held on Monday January 29, from 6: 00 p.m. until I believe 8:00 p.m.
 +    * Science Night is the night where the Science Fair competitors display their projects to the community. We’d like to set up an area where science and technology  people in the community can talk with families.
 +    * They’ve never done a science night before, but have been graded F for 3 years in a row (despite being the school most requested for transfers in the entire district), and this will help our grade and possibly excite families about science at Jefferson.
 +    * Quelab members in the past helped Jefferson purchase and set up our little MakerSpace, which has been very successful.
 +    * Email Sherie@boim.com
 +    * Charel suggested asking their winners to come display at ABQ MMF
 +  * Dues Grace Period Change
 +    * No more grace period - membership dues need to be paid by the 1st of the month.  If you don’t pay before the monthly meeting, you are considered lapsed, and will not have building access.
 +    * This does not affect members paying annually, or set up with recurring payments in WildApricot
 +    * RFID system changes to bar “lapsed” members
 +      * The system will be (has been?) set up to deny entrance to those with a status of “Lapsed” for their membership status
 +    * Rebecca asked for clarification on a member paying late 
 +    * They can take money via the Square phone
 +  * Darren - this Saturday is Paul’s confirmation of his eagle scout status; contact Darren if you are interested
 +  * Adric - In addition to Troy Ross last month, we also added Ed Heron to the Tech Team
 +Adjourned 6:56 p.m.