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policies:membership [2019/06/08 17:15]
John Benedetto [Membership]
policies:membership [2024/10/07 20:17] (current) ↷ Links adapted because of a move operation
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 ====== Membership ====== ====== Membership ======
-Quelab Members are by definition, people who are interested in supporting the [[:policies:bylaws#section_2_specific_objectives_and_purposes|objectives]] as defined in our bylaws. There are three classes of membership, as defined below. The membership rolls are maintained by the [[policies:registrar_steward|Membership Steward]].+Quelab Members are by definition, people who are interested in supporting the [[policies:bylaws-010514#section_2_specific_objectives_and_purposes|objectives]] as defined in our bylaws. There are three classes of membership, as defined below. The membership rolls are maintained by the [[policies:registrar_steward|Membership Steward]].
-Members are expected to follow the [[:policies:bylaws|Bylaws]] and the [[:policies:conduct|Code of Conduct]]; an orientation will be provided to new members which goes over the general member policies included below, which includes but is not limited to: safety, general liability, and site access. **Twenty-four hour access will be granted only to those who have completed the orientation.**+Members are expected to follow the [[policies:bylaws-010514|Bylaws]] and the [[:policies:conduct|Code of Conduct]]; an orientation will be provided to new members which goes over the general member policies included below, which includes but is not limited to: safety, general liability, and site access. **Twenty-four hour access will be granted only to those who have completed the orientation.**
 Membership dues are charged in advance monthly; they come due on the first of the month, and are considered late on the fifteenth of the month. Members who have automatic renewal of their dues on or after the fifteenth of the month are considered to be paid for the following month, with a grace period extended for the current month. **All members are strongly suggested to utilize an automatic payment method for the ease of administration.** Membership dues are charged in advance monthly; they come due on the first of the month, and are considered late on the fifteenth of the month. Members who have automatic renewal of their dues on or after the fifteenth of the month are considered to be paid for the following month, with a grace period extended for the current month. **All members are strongly suggested to utilize an automatic payment method for the ease of administration.**