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3-5-2017_general [2017/03/05 20:31]
John Benedetto created
3-5-2017_general [2017/05/01 16:04]
John Benedetto
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 Minutes: Minutes:
 +1. Officer Reports
 +  * President's Report
 +      * Quelab has seen much change through the month of February.
 +        * Out the gate were our Board Elections.  Thank-you to Chris Hughes, my Vice-President, for making sure these were as smooth as possible.  For the first time Quelab went to a fully electronic vote.  This allowed all of our members to vote easily from wherever they were (some from the other side of the planet) and Chris could tell us immediately if we had hit a quorum and who had won.  This round we are excited to welcome to our Board Chris Zapatocky and Ray Finch.  This is Chris' first round on the Board and we expect him to bring fresh new ideas to the table.  Ray Finch has served on Quelab's board in the past.  He has seen us grow and is familiar with the needs of a growing organization like Quelab.  I look to him for some strong thoughtful leadership.  Thank-you for being willing to join our team guys!
 +        * Many of you might be aware that Space Cadets has been busy working on our East Attic next to our wood shop.  Anyone who has things stored up there should be labeling it and perhaps preparing to remove excess items.  For lease/safety/insurance reasons that space is for storage only.
 +        * As a Makerspace, Quelab is growing.  This growth is exciting as it offers us opportunities to acquire some very cool equipment with the right planning.   Twice now Darren Moody has found CNC plasma cutting machines that would make a lovely addition to our tools.  It is time for us to start preparing to purchase one.  Planning and preparation will be key to this successfully happening!  Look for information on crowdfunding a savings account for this piece of equipment.  It looks like about $6,000.00 will be needed to buy and safely install one of these guys in our space.  Let's look to how this can happen so we can continue to grow and offer our members opportunities that cannot be gotten elsewhere!
 +        * On the conversation of tools: Bandit Gangwere attended the Aerospace auction this last week.  A selection of tools and supplies were purchased with the vision that they would improve Quelab's offering of tools and equipment for our space, like several oscilloscopes and a variety of smaller pieces of equipment and supplies.  Bandit would like to give Quelab first choice to purchase via crowd-funding, so if you are interested in helping purchase these items for the space or would like to look at purchasing items for your own personal use, please contact Bandit Gangwere directly at bandit@cruzio.com.  Put Quelab in the subject line, please.
 +        * Lastly, I am excited to let everyone know that UNM will have a team of students using Quelab to build a rocket for their Senior Engineering rocketry project.  How cool is that? These students have a 6 week build time with them building seven segments for a 46 ft tall, 4 ft diameter rocket. I know the students are excited to share what they are building, but please be good hosts and make sure you don't touch their project without their permission.  Let's make Quelab a welcoming and safe place for these young engineers.
 +  * Paul Rosenburg - Eagle Scout e-waste project
 +      * April 22, Earth Day, @ Cherry Hills Library
 +      * Volunteers needed - supervisors of the kids deconstructing stuff, people to haul stuff back to Quelab
 +      * E-waste to benefit Quelab
 +      * Promotion through the scouts & Paul’s church, & Quelab channels
 +      * Collection to start an hour before the Take-Aparty event starts
 +      * If anyone from Quelab wants to promote the space with a table (3D printing, or anything else about the space)
 +      * Any questions?  Email Darren @ DONATIONS@QUELAB.NET
 +  * Treasurer's report
 +      * There’s money in the bank - we usually run zero profit, some months plus, some months negative.  Sometimes 99.1% funded, sometimes 101$ funded
 +      * Last year, we set aside 2.1 months of expenses
 +      * Bank access will be changing with the new Treasurer
 +      * We want members to stop using PayPal
 +        * Manual payments add too much overhead
 +        * They may be asked to pay before the 1st for the following month or you risk being locked out of the RFID system
 +  * Education: Darrel Knutson
 +      * Welding class started yesterday, 6 attendees
 +      * Woodworking class starts Tuesday night
 +Darren asked if we have done any outreach to any of the woodworking places in town? Woodworker’s Supply, Hunter Lumber?
 +Charel - Can we put propaganda at ABQ Exotic Woods?
 + \\ Josh - some of our propaganda is placed at Walker Electronics, and some of theirs is here.
 +  * Events Officer: position currently vacant
 +  * Membership: Sara Simon
 +      * 97 active members, 13 are students & 75 are sustaining.  26 new in the last month, and 30 pending.
 +      * She has figured out WildApricot & Orientations
 +  * Outreach: Charel Morris
 +      * Feb was a GREAT month for outreach
 +        * Star Wars Fest @ Rio Rancho Library- we had a great location, and are already confirmed for next year
 +        * Nuclear Museum - we had quite a bit of square footage - 3D printers, the manual lathe, giant chess set. We’ve already been invited back next year and we got a great thank you letter, too!
 +        * March:  At Balloon Museum
 +          * 3-20 Learn to fly a drone class with member Troy Ross  (Volunteers needed to assist Troy)
 +          * March 22 -
 +          * March 25 - “Flying for All” for people with various mobility problems.  Member Alice Shriver with 505ACcess will be presenting.  If anyone wants to run a table, that would be nice.
 +Morgan has gotten feedback from previous visitors to our events, and they often think we are only 3D printing. It would be nice to expand and bring members’ projects to such demos.
 +  * Social Media: Rebecca Snyder
 +      * Looking at Yelp.  If anyone wants to review us on Yelp, that would be great.
 +  * Assets: Darren Moody
 +      * Huge shoutout to Steven Hall. More cleaning of the Annex.  Anthro carts & tables by the library are gone, and he has gone through the donated plastics (Gaylords).
 +      * Picked up some cubicle walls to partition off the donations area.
 +  * Facilities: John Murray
 +      * John & Drew went on the roof & reconnected the swamp coolers (for positive ventilation for the welding shop)
 +      * Drew and I put 3 of the 4 swamp cooler on line to operate to blow fresh air in to the shop.  The landlord's plumber had shut down the swamp coolers for the winter, and had remove the belts from the fans portion.  To obtain positive ventilation, these must be operational, although the pumps are not plugged in right now.
 +      * At the same time, the horsepower of each fan motor was recorded and will  be used to determine the size of the exhaust fan which will eventually installed in the shop. This is a requirement for obtaining an occupancy permit.
 +  * Rental: Darren Moody
 +      * Rentals about the same; two large blue/white benches are available. Generating $140 a month
 +  * Area Captains
 +      * 3-D Printing: Josh Pedersen
 +        * Shout out to Peter, Paul & Morgan for helping keep the area clean
 +      * Arcade - Troy Ross
 +        * Speaker wire run for the 5.1 sound system
 +        * Working on skim coat to make the walls pretty again
 +        * Now have a PS4 for the room
 +      * Electronics Lab: Aaron Birenboim
 +        * No report
 +      * Fiber Arts: Sherie Pennebaker
 +        * Nothing new to report for fiber arts, except that I do want to run a dye/batik/photo-sensitive dye workshop when my schedule calms down.
 +Rebecca has craft booking supplies if anyone is interested
 +Bandit knows someone that can help train in the Juke machine in there
 +  * Laser: Craig Goldsmith
 +      * No problems reported with the Laser Cutter
 +      * We have enough money in the fund to purchase new honeycomb bed. Sent email last week about how to go about actually paying for the purchase (I can't lay out and be reimbursed); still waiting for a response from the President/Treasurer
 +      * Reworking of room will start 2nd or 3rd week of March; will send notice to members when that starts
 +      * Need to beef up consistency and responsiveness of training, particularly for new members
 +  * Metal Shop: Eric Lee
 +      * A heavy duty industrial work table has been purchased at auction by John Anthes with assistance from Darren Moody.  The work table was transported from the auction to Quelab by Don "Gonner" Menning. The table has been located in the metal shop and is to be used as the permanent work station area for the 3-axis CNC Mill (X-Carve).  The work table was paid for by John Anthes who is donating it to Quelab.  No reimbursement has been requested.
 +      * Metal shop is operating smoothly.
 +      * No injuries reported.
 +      * All machines are operational
 +  * Welding: John Murray
 +      * Everything is running fine, he collected money for yesterday’s welding class
 +  * Woodshop: Gonner Menning
 +      * The UNM Rocket people has been mentioned elsewhere
 +      * There is a table there in the shop that is up for grabs
 +      * New tags will be printed soon
 +2. Old Business
 +  * Space Cadets Business
 +  * East Attic - by the end of March, stuff should be out of the East Attic
 +3. New Business
 +  * Sherie Misc announcements:
 +      * Game night is this Thursday.
 +      * The small kiln works great, but we need to alter the large kiln to make it heat up enough to work well.
 +      * I have some donations of stained glass supplies for anyone who wants to learn or use. Ask me first, they’re all in my basement right now.
 +  * Bandit attended the auction this week, and has stuff available for personal purchase or purchase for Quelab.  Also purchased some Scopes for Quelab.
 +  * Ray has repaired the large format printer
 +  * Adric summarized the Space Cadets meeting
 +      * Room switches - Ham Shack & Storage room switching around with some storage items going into the former Library room
 +  * Some phones that work have been put into place in the ‘space. E911 address may not be correct
 +  * Darren spoke about the Train people (the 2926 project down the street) that used our space for a safety training.  This has opened communication between our two groups
 +      * They have extended the invite for Saturdays & Wednesdays for a more detailed tour & the possibility of towing the engine over here for a special event