NOTE: All community meetings are open to members of the public. Attendance is encouraged! Please bring a potluck item to share.
Date: 06 September 2015
1. Agenda Review
2. Ground Rules
3. Reports
4. Old and New Business
93 Members
$11,000 in the bank
We need an auditor to become a 501©3
Maker Faire:
-More things at the maker store
-More advance warning for Quelab’s plans
-Quelab tent felt spread out
-Take apart went well
-Bring in some junk for people to learn to soldering
-Same weekend as Bubonicon
-Unsoldering station?
-Google safety glasses
-Greater or MC who wonders arounds
-Load in and load out went very fast
-More than 200 makers!
-Thanks to all the members
Monday the 20th Maker Faire rap up meeting
Reality show following makers with large projects
-Team of 3-4, must use Intel product in the final version
“Your Business Makeover”
-MSNBC show
-Quelab opportunity to look good
-We would have access to items at the army surplus store to create projects to show on the show
FlytCam MOU
-Drone Class
-FAA Drone Certification
-Free to Quelab Members
Tech Fiesta
Should we start potlucks so early?
-Especially in summer it might improve turnout if we start later
Quelab Swap Meet
-We haven’t had a yard sale in this new location
-Don’t schedule over Balloon Fiesta or State Fair
Design Lab in front room
-mixed-use space for classes as well
-move loom to poop deck