Attending: Celeste, Sherie, Darren, Sara, Adric, Gonner, John M., J.T., Eric, Chris, Darrel, Rebecca
John Murray shared his notes of the ad hoc officers’ meeting that took place when the Fire Marshal didn’t show up.
No date for a followup visit from the fire marshal
John M. willing to be here for the sprinkler head work to satisfy the Fire Marshall’s request, first week in October
Darren self nominated as Rental Officer
Darren asked about Library as an area captain? Sherie also volunteered.
Anything for Darren to look at the Auctions?
Charel - we could get more acknowledgement & possible funding if we focus more what we can do, e.g. STEM & STEAM esp classes for school kids
Adric suggested teaming with Coder Dojo?
Sherie suggested Grant writing skills could help
Discussion ensued
Darren reminded of his contact with the Librarian here in ABQ
How many members are interested in volunteering for classes or the like?
Sherie volunteered to assist anyone needing help writing a lesson plan
Sherie reported Aaron asks people using PFUDOR tools outside of PFUDOR to please return them when done with them.
Adric has been working with the eye-fi card on the Quelab Camera. Turns out the card we have isn’t the one being deprecated, and should continue to work!
Adric replaced the broken lock & the Square phone
Maybe solicit tour sign-ups, or gather contact info, asking if they want to sign up for our general mailing list
The PayPal self service page now has a password of “orientation”
Rebecca reminded that you can also suggest people sign up for our general mailing list
Ray approved moving the teletype; suggestions included upstairs, the harry potter room, the storeroom or the former library
As we grow, how do we track people in the building?
In & Out boards?
One on the annex door (the rental space)?
Can we track people’s RFID tags passively to know when they have left?
Can we take photos of new members during orientation?
Can we RFID control the metal shop equipment? Some discussion with Eric
Eric would like Quelab to get an additional camera for the metal shop.
Darren said how he checks a space (e.g. the annex) and tells the last officer (most often Adric) a space is secured. He suggested some sort of sign/indicator to show a room has been verified as locked & secured to assist closing the building.
Gonner need time & labor to complete the block house in the front fenced in area
Darrel asked about status on having a large calendar in the entry-way to advertise things, like the next orientation or the tour schedule
Discussion on possible forms of digital signage
Darren suggested a list of contact info for all the officers and/or board
Seltzer was suggested as a possible source to check
Darrel suggested we should have more signs around the space - clean up after yourself., etc.
Charel reminded that any signs need to discern themselves from the rest of the papers on the wall
Celeste said: if something is bugging you, make a sign about it
It was suggested that Celeste send out a monthly email welcoming new members by first names
Next meeting proposed & decided on: 2nd week of November, 16-November, @ 7:00 p.m.