July Officers' Corps Meeting
Date: 7-16-17 Time: 5:30 p.m.
Officer Positions
Education Officer vacancy
Orientation Officer creation
Digital Arts Officer creation
Mini Maker Faire
Embroidered Polo Shirts for Officers (for Public Events)
Business Cards for Appropriate Officers ie. President, Outreach, Donations (The thought towards use at MMF)
Student rate, low income rate changes September 1 - how to handle?
notify all affected accounts multiple times - email through WA? 7/15, 8/1, 8/15 dates?
disavow all student & low income members, then require verification of student members
Cancel recurring payments of non-verified?
How does this impact them when they DO verify? Will they have to re-enter their credit card info?
Should we publicize this fully 8/1, and allow members to start verification then?
We need a way to note who has been verified, preferably within WildApricot
New Mexico Steam Locomotive & Railroad Historical Society Open House
WildApricot training (any requests?)