DRAFT. If you have an item to add to the agenda, please let an officer know.
NOTE: All community meetings are open to members of the public. Attendance is encouraged! Please bring a potluck item to share.
Date: 04 June 2017
1. Officer Reports
President's Report
Treasurer's report
Education: Darrel Knutson
Events Officer: position currently vacant
Membership: Sara Simon
Outreach: Charel Morris
Social Media: Rebecca Snyder
Assets: Darren Moody
Facilities: John Murray
Rental: Darren Moody
2. Old Business
3. New Business
1. Officer Reports
President's Report
Treasurer's report
PayPal sunset date to be set
Still need to add to the Square for Digital Arts ringup
Need to add an alternate for Access to Bank account, still in progress. Send an email to the Board if you have a nomination
Darrel suggested adding “Classes” to the stripe as well.
Education: Darrel Knutson
We started a new welding class on Saturday. There are 6 students including 1 new member being oriented tonight, 2 non-members and 3 members.
We will be posting two welding classes for June. One will be on the normal Saturday morning and the other will be on Wednesday evenings. No idea how they will be received but we are going to try out an evening class.
We will also be offering a Monday night woodworking class.
The May accounting will be submitted to the president and treasurer shortly. I’m requesting that checks be cut to Wily and Dennis for $150 each since the classes have already been paid for.
Events Officer: position currently vacant
Membership: Sara Simon
Outreach: Charel Morris
Social Media: Rebecca Snyder
Assets: Darren Moody
The e-waste project brought some more stuff in
If you donate, please let us know what you are donating - donations@quelab.net
Shoutout to JT - helped sell some ginormous cabinets out of the annex, and brought in $40
Facilities: John Murray
Gonner and I replaced approximately 50 non-functional 48“ fluorescent tubes in the core. There were also a minimum of about 1/2 dozen failed fluorescent tube ballasts. I ordered 10 no-ballast LED T-12 tubes to be tried in the fixtures with the failed ballasts–these tubes will be wired directly to the input 120 V lines, by removing and thus by-passing the failed ballasts.
I managed to contact Bill Burke III, the architect who originally worked with a former Quelab officer to obtain an occupancy permit for Que Lab, about 2 years ago. Mr. Burke said that he would revise the original floor plan drawings to include the additional new floorspace in the annex, if I would measure the annex and include the relevant information in a sketch, and work with us to secure an occupancy permit. (The key here is that we need to submit the drawings with either an architect's or mechanical engineer's license stamp. He is willing to do that without cost, at least at this point)
However, Quelab will be required to put a ventilation fan in the shop to meet the requirements of the building code. The fan sizing is based on the square footage of the shop and is a simple calculation. It is proposed to be installed in the north wall, in the storage area just west of the welding area, However, the electrical work must be done by a licensed electrical contractor. I am working on getting an estimate for the labor and materials. The landlord will also need to be contacted regarding an 18”-20“ penetration in the exterior wall.
Rental: Darren Moody
Area Captains
3-D Printing: Josh Pedersen
Delta printer: issue with settings for nozzle diameter affecting quality, might be fixed now
Prusa: To be dismantled to create a hypercube printer
Arcade - Troy Ross
Work in progress, putting texture on soon
Foosball table might come out of that room
Asteroids cabinet needs fixing, powers supply is broken
Electronics Lab: Aaron Birenboim
Fiber Arts: Sherie Pennebaker
Fiber arts, seems ok, not much happening. Rebecca tried the donated knitting machine and reports that it works great.
Room 1 conversion to stained glass/meeting room is on hold until Chris can move his computers out. That’s ok, I still have a few more weeks of school to go, then my schedule will let up. I did get some more donations of glass and equipment, plus a good size table if we want it. I can move that stuff in when the space is clear.
Laser: Craig Goldsmith
Did alignment and focus earlier in April. Device seems to be working great.
Still need to get with Josh about ordering new bed . Will try to do that before end of month but not sure.
Please keep the area clear after you have used
Metal Shop: Eric Lee
Metal shop is operating smoothly.
No injuries reported.
The 3-axis CNC Mill is under development (The X-carve)
All other metal working machines are operational
Welding: John Murray
At the request of a potential member, I cleaned out and tested the bead blaster cabinet, located in the fenced “Hot Work” area, on the north side of the building. It is operational when connected to the portable 6 H.P. compressor, which is currently stored in the annex.
Wil and Dennis were working on some gas forge set-ups in the “Hot Work” area, but details were unavailable at newstime.
Woodshop: Gonner Menning
Proposal for beer and pizza cleaning party
Security breach, the easter bunny was here in April
Please post pink tags on broken stuff, and send an email to officers@quelab.net or at least to the officer in charge of the area
2. Old Business
Paul Rosenberg Earth Day E-Waste Event Recap (Eagle Scout Project)
Supercomputing visit - Morgan or Josh - flavor hacking, lightsabers, 3d printing
Tech leadership charter school visited
Students working with SolidWorks
Westside Attic - just a notice that we’re finishing clearing it out.
Albuquerque the Magazine Quelab visit
3. New Business
Railyard Markets
The 20th of May
Theme: “Intergalactic”
2nd Annual New Mexico Science Fiesta (formerly known as the ABQ STEM Fiesta) - May 20 Saturday, from 11:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. , . Last month's minutes have conflicting information - it is at the Hispanic Cultural Center or perhaps at Tiguex Park, in Albuquerque’s Old Town?
MakerFaire - remind everyone that Quelab has a presence here. We would like representation from as many area across Quelab as possible - 3d printing, metal shop, laser cutter, etc.
MakerFaire will begin their volunteer activities in the space soon
Need a new head of Take-Aparty & volunteers, too
If you will be there in our tent, we need to know how much cubic you want, do you need power?