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Nominees for the 2018 Board of Directors Election

These are the nominees:

Make sure to vote BEFORE the end of the election, Sunday 2/18/18 @ 9:00 p.m.!


2018charelmorris.jpgCharel Morris: I joined Quelab in 2012 and served as officer and director since 2014 a​nd founding director of ABQ Maker Faire. My making has been more arts than tech everything from ​hand drums, ​sacred masks, altars, worked with gourds and various mixed media pieces to workshops and events​, concerts, recording engineer and producer & my cloths since high school.​ My focus is on building our maker community at Quelab. While looking to where you want Quelab to be a year or five years from now.


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A full member of Quelab since May 2014, he has also served on the Quelab Board of Directors since February of 2016, and is the current asercutter officer.

He seeks to maintain and enhance Quelab's stature as a member-driven makerspace, and that Quelab continues to be utterly responsive to the economic and practical needs of its members: consensus decision-making, non-draconian policies, unfettered access to the space.


No Bio Submitted


My name is Jack Gilster I've been a member for 10 months I'd wish to be a part of the board because I spend good majority of my time here and I've been waiting for a place like this all my life. I think if I was a part of the board I would be able to help make decisions that benefit new members and the community at large. Including bringing in students who could benefit from the existing equipment and makers of my and new generations that need this place to see there dream become reality.


 Hello, I think most of the Quelab members know me but for those of you who don’t, my name is Jesse, I’m a retired flooring & general contractor, an artist and General MacGyver! I moved to Seattle in 2012 and sold 25+ years of tools so I was a fish out of water prior to finding Quelab upon my return to Albuquerque to help care for my grand mother with dementia (I’ve always been grama’s favorite! Ha ha). Quelab has given me a place to expel all these ideas & 24 hr access is just awesome! I really appreciate what Quelab is & what it stands for and want to help this place grow. I have time to give so I’ll be here quite a bit. And hopefully have ideas to help fix problems or grow new ideas.


2018jtbenedetto.jpgJohn “JT” Benedetto: I have been a member the entire time Quelab has been in the larger space, having joined just before the move away from the first location on 2nd. Even before the move I stepped up and helped where needed. In the Haines location, when the Officers’ Corps was expanded, I volunteered & have held different positions, including the Facilities Manager & the woodshop manager. Currently I am the Donations Officer, serve on the Tech Team, am the acting Secretary & Membership Officer and am finishing up my first term serving on the Board. I am excited to serve, and would like to continue to do that on the Board!


2018rebeccasnyder.jpgRebecca Snyder: Quelab member since 2011, officer since December 2014, in maker community for longer, co-chairing Albuquerque Dorkbot (maker discussion group) and attending Maker Faire in San Francisco. I'm a very eclectic maker who likes to learn new skills, sampling electronics, darkroom photography, brazing, fiber arts, glass, laser cutting, ceramics, machine shop, and most recently 3d printing. What I love about Quelab is that we are not just a place to make things but also a community of makers! I've learned so much from everyone at Quelab, if elected I will work to bring classes back to Quelab and host events where members can show their projects.