Agenda items:

Meeting Notes: notice that the meeting was moved from the 26th to the 2nd of January due to the holidays.

Visitor, spoke first: Wants to do collaborative drawing, hes been visiting hackertype spaces.

Meeting Starts at 6:30: Ran down last months items,

pricing not many bought into the discount, we will see who re-ups in January,

Soliciting ideas: 29th LEDS event, Adric will add to the tech calendar

February needs an idea, perhaps Heat up your love of soldering. how about a ignite warmup help and practice,prep and a projector (adric will see about borrowing his dad's

Ignite. free membership, for best talk. All were in favour. Also about flyering unm cnm and ignite,

next Ignite February 13th

Flyer will be finalized and posted on googledocs/website

Writeup on the makerbot is needed.