BRIEF Treasurer's report (Geoff)
BRIEF Space Federation update()
BRIEF Task Force Status ()
Meeting Notes: Meeting started 4:25pm Adric, Greg, Walter, John, Aaron, Eric, Ray, Charel, Bandit, Geoff, Alfred in attendance. later Rebecca and Morgain also attended
Review of the rules and the agenda,
Treasurers report, In the black Still! Thanks to classes we now have 2 months of in the black! Membership Level=25 (that's up one) We are the most on the ball affiliate with the space fed! donations need to be made before January for 501c3!
3d printer task force! Walter is working on the video, Alfred is working on the perks, School factory wants to have us help with a 501c3 indigogo.
Bandit, proposed a taskforce: or 2 taskforces to network. with contacts and possible connections, and another group to help develop STEAM curriculum and things to sell quelab to any of the above networked contacts. Walter, Charel , Adric, Greg and possible Eric W.
Year End Review: (3 paperboards). photos linked below
“Best thing about Quelab in 2012?”
Helping make Albuquerque's First annual mini-maker faire a resounding success
sharing knowledge by hosting classes and workshops
There was a shift from just surviving, to thriving.
Teaching soldering to LOTS of people
(2011) haunted lab event
Intentionally focusing on becoming sustainable / building maturity in the organization and processes.
Embraced the hacker ethos and maker identity
“One activity from 2012 to do again?”
Teacher open house
Beer brewing
“Member only” projects or events
Space Chilis HAB flight
ABQ Mini-maker faire
ACE outreach
Flavor Tripping event
collaborative HW project
March of the Robots events (but it doesn't have to be in March)
TEDxABQ, and Ignite NM
Yard sales
Boom event
modified Arduino class, raspberry pi
“Quelab's biggest accomplishment of 2012?”
Financially in the black
ABQ Mini-maker faire participation
Building a sense of Quelab identity,
planning ahead,
Fostering 3-D printer knowledge,
Hacking chocolate event, because of the return on investment
Arduino class,
Becoming a real 501c3 organization,
documentation (of projects, events, processes)
Card Storming: Writing ideas on cards for To Do list in 2013 (photos linked below)
FINISH documenting bylaws,
“Doctor destructo” event,
new space location,
Arduino class,
no word from com a blog updates,
3d printing club,
interactive fiction class,
Artemis room,
better marketing,
new member kits / orientation,
adult / child workshops,
game night,
wired network Park,
go club,
kit creation,
use and build corporate accounts,
fiber arts,
find a grant writer,
hacker Scouts,
maker camp on Google Plus,
mascots project,
diversify income,
Rubens tube,
poetry night,
PCB and schematic class,
soldering class jump box,
suring the space with gem and minerals club,
AV box,
external event listings,
teensy class,
hackerspace networking,
Nerd eprom,
astroid cabinet repair buttons,
flora class Arduino!,
super guinea pigs,
Space Camp at defcon,
bio hacking,
up keep task force and facilities management,
zombie survival training,
be a corporate resource,
Last Saturday events,
collaborate with coworking spaces,
school team mentoring steam contests,
posted to hack a day,
library demos,
history of Quelab,
video intro,
visiting speaker outreach,
local speaker outreach,
capers and bacon!,
net sec group,
video projects,
project videos on YouTube,
t-shirt silk screen,
visitor pitch with hands on project,
space mission hydroponics,
asteroids battery backup,
increase space utilization,
consignment sales,
laser cutter,
fundraising sponsorships grants,
Android app class,
local facility in resource documentation,
sell apps,
PC build workshop,
resize Board of Directors,
build vacuformer,
makers guild,
member responsibilities,
cube set 3d printer,
intro to programming class,
member field trips,
interns and minions,
fabrication facilities,
food trucks,
magnifier class event,
members at conferences,
record metrics,
movie night,
information technology infrastructure,
Quelab in space,
organize tools in stock,
chores list,
birthday party,
brewing class,
food classes,
exhibit space,
hackerspace secret messages,
repair cafe,
Roble rave support
photo links
meeting ended at 6:06pm ontime considering we started 25min late