Table of Contents

October Public Meeting Agenda

(NOTE: may run a little bit long this month)
Date: 10/30/11 Time: 6:53 Attendees: aaron, greg, ray, bandit, walter, adric

Ground Rules

Ice breaker

Agenda Review:


Strategic Planning


Meating notes:

Meeting with carrol went overtime, but pretty much just the board here for the meeting:

Quelab strategic planning. we filled several pages on the paper, greg will type upwhat was compiled, we may want to sort it lots of ways.

Location/space related: Winterizing attic and windows Keep an inventory, both physical and electronic Accumulate more machine tools and equipment Find or collect a list of hackerspace projects (instructables?) Add a craft space Provide meeting/gathering space for other groups (NMC, …) Provide clean areas or special purposed areas Space planning (for current and future spaces) Quelab space rental/lease to third parties

Communication tasks: develop “spread the word” briefing/presentation give the “spread the word” briefing/presentation at other events, locations Re-vamp websire and online content Incorporate video about Quelab (Ray and Igor) Facebook groups+page consolidation Contact all members to touch base (could include a survey) Outreach to inventors Market the “incubator” aspect of Quelab contact press on a regular basis Present Quelab at Barcamp Improve communication about current projects in blogs, articles, instructables More documentation of events and projects (photo, written, video)


EVERY board member review the lease, by 14 Nov (Walter will scan and send) Leadership roles and responsibilities in the bylaws Finish the rest of the Quelab bylaws Codify Quelab policies and procedures add a “5-min of fame” session at each meeting Compile/update membership perks Develop membership packet Acquire insurance Revamp Quelab fliers and business cards submit proposals or otherwise participate in ISEA (international symposium on electronic arts???) sponsored by 516 studio Provide in-kind donations (ie KNME)

Membership Push for regular members and co-workers Increase the overall volunteership broaden membership appeal to more than “tech geeks” Planned collaboration, to focus members energy Encourage members to volunteer at other events on behalf of Quelab Solicit partnerships and involvement from local clubs, groups, schools, theaters, universities, corporations

Other Financial pursuing grants and sponsorships (depends on content availability) Sell stuff on Craig's list / yard-sale / flea market

Projects and events: Brainstorm more project and event themes Event theme: Techmas Event theme: Film making and viewing Event theme: “Bring 2 friends” Event Theme: Grant writing Event theme: specific skill-based classes & events Event theme: photography and optics Event Theme: hovercraft Rube goldberg device Recruit guest presenters and workshops Targeted STEM events for schools, kids, and families Offer modelling and prototyping for designers Participate/speak at “brown-bag-lunches”

supplimental meeting planned for the 6th of november, because meeting ran way too long and people had to bail

meeting ended around 8pm