NOTE: All community meetings are open to members of the public. Attendance is encouraged! Please bring a potluck item to share.
Date: 8 January 2017
1. Officer Reports
President's Report
Treasurer's report
Business Development Officer: position currently vacant
Education: Darrel Knutson
Events Officer: position currently vacant
Membership: Sara Simon
Outreach: Charel Morris
Social Media: Rebecca Snyder
Assets: Darren Moody
Facilities: John Murray
Rental: Darren Moody
Area Captains
3-D Printing: position currently vacant
Arcade - Troy Ross
Electronics Lab: Aaron Birenboim
Fiber Arts: Sherie Pennebaker
Laser: Craig Goldsmith
Metal Shop: Eric Lee
Welding: John Murray
Woodshop: Gonner Menning
2. Old Business
3. New Business
1. Officer Reports
President's Report
Treasurer's report
85 sustaining 21 student account, 9 associate
We have money in the bank
Please - if you can - get off PayPal & get onto WildApricot
Josh will be re-doing the envelope system to also allow dues
Education: Darrel Knutson
Welding class underway currently
Woodworking class upcoming, Tuesday Nights in Feb/Mar? (Not yet in calendar)
Currently NOT using EventBrite
Need to figure out WildApricot
Events Officer: position currently vacant
Membership: Sara Simon
Outreach: Charel Morris
Social Media: Rebecca Snyder
The Quelab Google calendar has a number of people that can add items; Adric will tally the list of who is listed.
There is a Quelab google internal calendar, too.
Assets: Darren Moody
Facilities: John Murray
Rental: Darren Moody
Area Captains
3-D Printing: Josh Pedersen
Arcade - Troy Ross
Work underway
Paneling removed
New TV
PS4 soon to be donated
New lighting fixture
Electronics Lab: Aaron Birenboim
Fiber Arts: Sherie Pennebaker
Laser: Craig Goldsmith
Honeycomb bed source identified
Will set up a schedule for cleaning & calibrating
Wants to clean out room - remove lockers, paint cabinet
Metal Shop: Eric Lee
Welding: John Murray
Steve Hall filled the tanks, had a hydrostatic test done on the ones that needed it.
John to try to track the consumables weekly
Woodshop: Gonner Menning
2. Old Business
3. New Business
Monday the 16th, 4 - 7 pm, filming in the darkroom, Gonner is handling this & already had volunteers to help. They are donating $200 to Quelab, and (eventually) a copy of the movie.
Gonner hopes to launch his 2nd solar balloon this month, while it’s cold. He needs help if anyone has ideas on telemetry. Hoping to launch from Balloon Fiesta Park. Maybe launch on a Sunday, between 9 & 10.
Space Cadets Report
3d printing in Dragons Weir
Mission Control
Also, 3d printing has mentioned replacing the (borked) PC with the donated PC (which was part of the donation with a COTS 3d printer. The PC would have 3d design software, keeping in the spirit of the donation, so folks can design stuff without taking up space in the 3d room.
ACTION NEEDED: membership input
ACTION NEEDED: Get 3d mechanical design tools
ACTION NEEDED: board approval
Sheri has set up a small ceramics area in the east end of the Annex. For now, this is for slab and coil style work. A wheel is possible, with caveats (cost, mess, etc)
ACTION NEEDED: clear out the stuff in that area that are better elsewhere (fridge, brewing, etc)
ACTION NEEDED: clay trap for the heat sink
ACTION NEEDED: Determine where to put the cone 6 kiln && wire up outlet
Next meeting of the SpaceCadets: Sunday, 22 Jan, 6pm
Board election coming up
Led by Chris, acting VP
3 seats coming up for election
2/12/17 election at the space 5 - 8
Electronic voting will start 2/10/17, going to everyone
Nominations open tonight
Yearly Planning Process
Katy Hammell is on the board for Imagination Connection, tournament is March 4, she will work with Rebecca to get it on the calendar
For Officers’ Meeting
Figure out WildApricot for events? Can we still use EventBrite if need be?
WildApricot training @ officers’ meeting
Cleaning out of laser cutter room - remove lockers, paint cabinet, etc.
Figure out a date for the next meeting
Adric to send out a list of who can add stuff to the Google Quelab calendar
John & Darren to update the wiki wishlist, add any suggested sent to donations email