Old business
New business
Meeting notes: opening meeting 6:18
update from the board meeting, mostly about the funding stuff. Speaking of funding stuff harwood is like less than $50, has space and chairs.
Eric mentions some good press worthy stuff: nonprofit status, doing press releases, haunted lab, try pushing nmbusiness weekly. (gabe has some contacts), perhaps john fleck atabq journal, Eric can help with press release.
Gregs report: “It was awesome!”, “document, document, document” pull it all together and put it out there. makerfare was awesome.. lots of 3d printers.
mentioned the photo show, part of the:
Cleanup Tuesday: during hacknight, old piles will go one way or another.
Stamp is in the works.
Haunted lab: Talk through the plan: Creepy crawlies class adric, on oct 2nd
front room will need a volunteer, for greeting taking money. Front room will have labware and electronics
Door: walter Front room: gabe Dining room: Carpeted room: Workshop: Ray
Basement films or Buring paradise? Lab coats: adric will check savers and spirit