Bandit, Arron, Adric, Greg, Geoff, Ray, and Walter, in attendance (all BOD), Also there was Charel, and Alfred, and Lila, Barney, Danny, Josh representing the BlackoutTheatre.
Haines info:
Things it needs:
RHannah, (charel) info dump, price is a little chunky, possible option is to rent big room for $400+util for doing classes workshops (discussed, but may be moot due to proposal below.
Need to do!
Investigate utilities costs/ transfer
arrange walkthrough for Blackout crew.
Come up with an agreement by tuesday, and they want to get access by the 9th (or there about)
Haines, With Blackout Theater group
In additional to the gdoc agreement
Dates/times Oct 10th until Halloween, thur-sun 6-10, then strike and be out by the 15th.
they will handle liability and building insurance,
They are willing to do a show at the quelab opening gala.
possible issues/questions by blackout,
they would like it stated that we would be primary contact for landlord and
Tighten up the part about cross/advertizing in the future. (define it better or remove it, with the understanding that we would like to cross pollinate)
They need to get quelab's decision by tuesday, 3rd,
they would like to be in by september 9th, or as soon as possible.
-=-=-=-=-=- we need to work out the order of repairs/improvements to get Rhannah to agree on,
A man door(fire escape) is important
can we schedule some of the rest for after halloween?
how do we make sure the agreement has teeth to hold him to it?
offer it to him as a compromise, less of the work needs to be done at once, and he gets a rent check sooner than he would otherwise.
Other notes:
we need to extend a rider for insurance into the new building. they will have liability for the show and attendees,
they are ok with paying rent and deposit, but would like to pay 1/2 full rent up front and the other half closer to the show.
greg will handle initial paperwork including capturing a pdf of the agreement as it stands at time of signatures.