August 2013 General Business Meeting Agenda:

NOTE: All general business meetings are open to Quelab members and members of the public. Attendance is encouraged! Date: 4 August 2013 Time: 4:30-6pm MT

1. Agenda Review 2. Ground Rules 3. Old and New Business (20 minutes max)

4. Reports

Notes: 5:07pm ray, julie, adric, alfred, sherie, aaron and mike

So no meeting happened for the board, we are going to attempt to re-visit the board/bylaws stuff meeting this month,

New location task force/space cadets, We talked about the concept of the space cadets, and how they have consolidated some of the needs cards, and have been looking at floor plans. There is hope we can see the inside of haines again tuesday, we can see about load/structural walls,

Fellows, walter was not here, its somewhat working, we got a small report, from alfred, none from morgain or dakota

Field trip, was discussed, everyone was ok with the idea, but it really does not directly effect the space so we say do it and see if they come.


Meeting ended at 5:29) Some after meeting discussion talked about using a hosted wiki rather than doing our own, due to backups, patching, yada yada, wikispaces has treated aaron and sherie well.